Thursday, 6 August 2015

Thursday 6th August

A better day with the weather, and the sun came out again to show us what it looks like, more tomorrow, all going well!!! This morning, James saw an Osprey at Gruinart, Izzy baker a new member on the RSPB team on the Oa had seen a fleeting glimpse of a Dipper down on the reserve on the Oa. Izzy, prior to coming to work on the Oa, worked with the RSPB on Oronsay and Colonsay for the past few years along with Mike Peacock. This afternoon, Margaret and myself were out and about collecting some of our legendary supplies from some of our Islay distilleries to bring down with us to the Birdfair at Rutland. It may be a fortnight away, but it can still take time checking that everything is to hand, checking with all our team that all their travel is in place and also speaking to some of the other regular Islay visitors who come along to help us on our stand. We are fortunate this year in that Walkers Shortbread have come on board and are kindly donated shortbread for visitors to our stand to sample along with the spirits provided by the distilleries. Islay cottages along with Calmac, our ferry operator, are again providing the prize in our free draw for a week's holiday to come and see our geese through the winter. So if you are coming along to the Birdfair, mark sure to call in to our stand in marquee 7 stand 14, the Marquee number has changed but we are in the same place, so come along and meet in with some old faces, enjoy the company and enter the free draw, someone has to be a winner...

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