Sunday, 30 August 2015

Sunday 30th August

Yesterday, Bob spotted a small male Merlin as it flew past flying towards Octomore. Close to his house, Bob had 2 ringtail Hen Harriers and 2 female Sparrowhawks while in his garden he had a Redpoll. Also yesterday, James had an Osprey over at Loch Gruinart. Here at home this morning there were over 200 Starlings out on the grass, bit no other "types" seen! There were also 7 Pied Wagtail, a Song Thrush and a mixed flock of Linnets and Twite and a single Redpoll of around 100 birds in total. A Robin was out on the gravel, the first I have seen for a few weeks. There was a Raven and a Buzzard ducking and diving over the crag this morning for quite some time, neither really won...The numbers of Starlings was on the increase this evening with probably around 400 on the overhead cables, the roof of the cottage next door and also on the church tower but still no Rose coloured Starling seen... There were 35 Swallows on the overhead cables too, no wonder there is a distinct line of bird poo under the wires, better still do not walk underneath while the birds are perched up!!! Before I forget, please send any sightings you may have as I am away off again until next again Tuesday to James on Many thanks.

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