Tuesday, 3 October 2023

Sunday, Monday & Tuesday, 1st-3rd October

No birds were reported on Sunday. 

Yesterday David Dinsley and Ed Burrell both reported Merlins: one at The Oa car park and one at Cornabus. Gary Turnbull confirmed the continuing presence of White-tailed Eagles (two of them) at Bridgend, plus a few Barnacle Geese and 100+ Golden Plover. In the afternoon yesterday Ed was commenting on a large gathering of 28 Collared Doves at Cornabus.

Today Ed was watching White-tailed Eagles down at Cornabus and Ballivicar catching Greylag Geese whilst a Golden Eagle observed proceedings.  James How was out this evening at Gruinart North Hide where a female Marsh Harrier was a good find along with 4 Little Egrets, 4 Ruff and 3 Black-tailed Godwits. There were also 30 Barnacle Geese, but there is still no sign of any large numbers yet with the winds being predominantly SW

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