Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Wednesday 11th June

Gordon Yates sent this superb image of a female Hen Harrier which he took the other day...Thanks Gordon. Some sightings through from the weekend from Gary Turnbull who was over with the Renfrewshire members group of RSPB. On Sunday, they counted 121 Barwits at Blackrock, up at Ardnave, they saw a few Choughs along with big numbers of Sand Martins. From the old hide at Gruinart, they saw a Redshank close at hand, as well as Shoveller and Wigeon. They also saw an Osprey flying up Loch Gruinart. After lunch, round at Ballinaby they saw a Corncrake in the grass at the side of the road and along at Saligo Bay they had a male Hen Harrier. On their way down to the ferry, close to the airport many Meadow Pipits and a male Wheatear were seen. By the sounds of it all, a great time enjoyed by them all.

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