Wednesday 23 October 2024

Tuesday 22nd & Wednesday 23rd October

 Two days of moderately blustery and showery southerly/south-westerly weather, with some sunshine and dry spells.

Yesterday there were reports from Gary T. and Mike Highfield of Snow Buntings up at Ardnave - small groups totalling 10 at least. David Dinsley had a single Black-throated Diver at Kintra. Otherwise there were multiple reports of various raptors - Merlin, Golden and White-tailed Eagles and Hen Harrier from all over the island.

Today Neil Mc and Naturetrek had 6 Pink-footed Geese off the Coullabus road, plus 3 Hen Harriers. This afternoon they got lucky finding the Red-breasted Goose up on the south side of the road across the flats at RSPB Gruinart. They finished with another visit to Loch Skerrols where they reported the Lesser Scaup (an immature female bird) still present, with 45 Whoopers too, but no sign of the Ring-necked Duck.

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