Sunday 6 October 2024

Sunday 6th October

 Still a SE wind, but not as strong as yesterday, with light rain on and off, mostly on, but not that cold.

The first report came around lunchtime from Fiona McG who saw 26 Light-bellied Brent and 90 Barnacles at Gartmain. A little over an hour later, Gary also saw the 26 Brent, but no Barnacles. Instead, he saw 150+ Wigeon, 32 Mallard, 11 Curlew, 23 Barwits and 20 Knot. He also about 70+ Greylags one of which had an orange neck collar which he couldn't read, but hopefully it will show again. This is quite possibly an Islay-ringed bird.

During the afternoon, Patrick Styles saw 2 Wheatears at Ardnave and Louis Schöpp saw a WTE on his way to Ardnave and 2 Choughs drinking from a puddle on the track by Ardnave Loch. Finally, Clive saw 2 Swallows at Gearach and 3 at Eresaid, as well as a Wheatear at Gruinart.

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