Saturday 5 October 2024

Saturday 5th October

 The rain of yesterday continued until late morning, but as it cleared the wind got up, as forecast, and has been gusting up to 43 mph, still mainly SE, at the airport, and it is set to continue through the night before dropping a little tomorrow but only to the mid-20s mph.

Very little bird news to report, with single Wheatears seen at opposite ends of the Rhinns, one at Claddach, quite possibly the same one seen there on Thursday, also by Mary Redman, while Clive had one at Ardnave.

James was counting at Loch Gruinart in the late afternoon, finding a juvenile WTE, yet another Wheatear, 2 Hen Harriers, 105 Lapwing and 590 Barnacle Geese, which compares with 1510 yesterday. It is quite normal for Barnacle Geese to arrive at Gruinart and then to to another part of the island, the strong SE wind making it unlikely they've moved on to Ireland. Finding somewhere with a bit more shelter from the weather is the most likely.

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