Tuesday 15 October 2024

Monday 14th & Tuesday 15th October

Monday was a fine sunny dry day. Tuesday was blustery, cloudy and occasionally threatening rain. Winds from a generally southerly direction.

Nothing too out of the ordinary has been posted in the last two days. On Monday Jackie Wedd saw 7 Little Egrets, 30-40 Twite and 3 Greenshanks  at and around Killinallan and the Nature Scotland group posted Black-tailed Godwit, 3 White-tailed Eagles at Gruinart.

Today Gary T. was on Machir Bay where 200 Barnacle Geese had settled with the various gulls, a few Sanderling and 30 Ringed Plovers and 17 Twite. Later he noted White-tailed Eagle, Merlin, Hen Harrier and Buzzards at Gruinart. Down at Cornabus Ed Burrell saw a particularly large female Peregrine chasing Barnacle Geese.

I was down at the Gruinart hides in the mid-afternoon enjoying the many thousands of Barnacle Geese accompanied by 2 Pink-footed Geese. The White-tailed Eagle (immature) passed by and later at Ardnave Loch a young Golden Eagle was seen.

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