Thursday 3 October 2024

Thursday 3rd October

Another fine day, but with a S-SE wind increasing through the day, presaging some rain tomorrow.

Some good birding activity after a quiet few days, with migration more in evidence. This morning, Mary Redman had 6 or so Whimbrel and around 20 Lapwing at Carn, just south of Port Charlotte, and Fiona had 15 Whooper Swans flying over Port Wemyss. Soon after, Linden saw 18 Whoopers at the head of Loch Indaal, together with 47 Pale-bellied Brent and c.160 Barnacles, while he estimated about 100 Golden Plovers in flight between Bridgend and Bowmore. Clive had a trickle of Barnacles coming up Loch Gruinart during the morning with c.600 resting at the head of the loch by lunchtime. 

In the afternoon, visitor Louis Schöpp watching from the main hide had 18 Whoopers on the loch and Pintail, Teal and a few Shovelers on the floods, with 100+ Barnacles feeding in the fields. Clive saw what was probably the same flock of Whoopers making slow progress into the increasing wind. The final observations of the day also came from Mary Redman with a wheatear at Claddach, and a tired-looking Bar-tailed Godwit at Currie Sands, an unusual location for this species.

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