Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Tuesday 27th August

A good meeting down on the Oa this evening with 8 folk coming along to the Islay bird Nerds, monthly catch up... We had great views of  a Golden Eagle which was sitting on the ground when we first saw it.. It then took off and soared around for 10 - 15 minutes and came back to perch up where we had been watching it initially...We also saw a pair of Kestrels and also 2 Ravens flew past. We then moved along a bit and had seen some Fulmars on their nests. We also had some Gannets flying past the Oa, the odd Shag  was present on the rocks too.
On the drive down the Oa, we had a Whinchat on the fence and then on our way back out from Killeyan, we had a Wheatear. A good night seeing as many different birds.

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