Saturday, 26 January 2019

Saturday 26th January

Back being lazy again, as I am using my wee notebook to write the blog...

George Newall from Dunoon is over for the weekend and had seen some Kittiwakes from the ferry yesterday. This morning, George came up here with his friend who is over with him. While they were here in the house, we saw a couple of Fulmars soaring back and forward along the front of the crag, so no doubt, a sure sign that the wind is to pick up soon... while out in the hut, we saw 3 Buzzards and a couple of Ravens out over the crag...

Wonder how Peter, Mark, Jim Dickson, Roger Broad and David Formby are getting. They are out in Bulgaria for a week's birding along some others from Sandwich Bay... No doubt, we will hear from them once they return home to "warmer climes" next Wednesday...

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