Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Tuesday 2nd September

The weather today has been similar to yesterday, and good enough to allow me to get on with some jobs out in the garden, no complaints then!!! Bob and Lorna Young had been over for a few days at the end of last week and reported through to say that they had seen Golden Eagles at Gruinart, Ardnave and also over at Sanaigmore. They also saw an Osprey just off the reserve at Gruinart. They had seem a large number of Gannets feeding at the mouth of Loch Gruinart, before they flew off past Nave Island and on South past Sanaigmore. Fulmars were in abundance off Ardnave with some still nesting at Sanaigmore, 2 Red throated Divers, 4 Redshank and a Common Sandpiper were added to their birds at Ardnave. Choughs were seen at both Ardnave and also Sanaigmore. Lots of Linnets and Goldfinches were seen around along with a few Wheatears and the occasional Stonechat. Thanks to Bob and Lorna for their sightings. Back here at home the other day there were 4 Buzzards soaring up above the crag on the thermals.

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