Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Tuesday 25th October

Dave  Protherough last Friday had seen 20 Whoopers fly through Cornabus valley down at Port Ellen. Yesterday visitor, David Sanderson had a flock of around 100 Chaffinches along at Sunderland Farm. Here at home, we saw a Sparrowhawk fly past and today, the Hooded Crows were making the most of a rabbit in the edge of the garden.....Later on, we had between 250 - 300 Fieldfare drop in out of the sky as they moved through. Bob had heard the Willow Warbler in his garden again and also noted seeing more Blackbirds around too. John Wilson had seen 120 Greylags down on the stubbles at Rockside. Along the road, he had a mixed flock of Linnet and Twite. The group who have been over from Heatherlea had seen a  Snow Bunting at Sanaigmore and also a male Kingfisher at the mouth of the River Sorn at Bridgend.. Visitor Phil Hampson today had seen a raft of 49 Scaup at Blackrock. At Ardnave, he saw 25 Chough and also 30 Twite, and at Craigens a ringtail Hen Harrier while out on Loch Gruinart, 3 Greenshank were present.

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