Monday, 26 May 2014

Monday 26th May

Jim Dickson kindly sent through this image of a Sedge Warbler which he had taken at Gruinart when he was over on Friday. Jim was fortunate to be able to see the Temminck's Stint and also the Green winged Teal as well as the pair of Garganey. Today Danny and Dave had seen the Velvet Scoter down on the Rhinns, with some Sanderling seen along on the spit at the top of Loch Indaal. The Collared Dove was here again at home this morning. Speaking with my son, Andrew this afternoon, he had 2 Greater spotted Woodpeckers, 2 Jays, a Magpie, a Nutchatch as well as Great Tits out feeding their youngsters, sorry to say that was down in his garden in Surrey, not here! Remember, if you are over and wanting a night away from the whisky, the bird nerds are meeting up on Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock down at the track beside the Airport, for a stroll along the Big Strand to see what is around.

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