Wednesday 13 September 2023

Wednesday 13th September

A distinct change in the weather today - cool, cloudy, windy and, in the end, rainy.

Mary Redman sent in a report for yesterday of 20+ Chough over Portnahaven/Port Wemyss in the early afternoon. This was at about the same time yesterday that Val Peacock and Lesley Silcock counted 30 Chough between Saligo and Sanaigmore. That is a good lot of Choughs; lets hope they have had a good breeding season, with lots of fledged young surviving into autumn.

Mary also had a Sparrowhawk "tussling" with Pheasants at Carn and a Barn Owl last night at Claddach.

Today's news comes from Ed Burrell who heard Chiffchaff at Cornabus and from myself from a visit to Gruinart in the morning. The tide was low and waders abundant. 5-6 Greenshank were present again, a flock of 60+ Lapwings on the fields and 200 Bar-tailed Godwits feeding. The remaining water channels attracted a lot of Black-headed Gulls actively feeding - 180 in total. Best find was a female or young Marsh Harrier.

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