Monday, 18 September 2023

Sunday 17th & Monday 18th September

Sunday was a distinct change in the weather, becoming wet, cold and windy - hence no birding done and no birds reported.

Today was a lot better, with sunshine for much of the day but some heavy isolated showers in the afternoon/evening.

George Jackson sent in a note to say that his late, second brood of 4 Swallows in his shed have successfully fledged, but chose the rotten weather of yesterday to do it and were hanging about in his shed making a mess today.

Today's news was from David Dinsley of a Black-throated Diver off Kintra and a Peregrine there low over the waves this morning, followed by a Merlin at Glenastle. James How noted other raptors up at Gruinart this evening - 2 White-tailed Eagles, a Peregrine and 2 Hen Harriers.

There was also a belated report of a Kingfisher on the mouth of the River Sorn at Bridgend last Monday, 11th September.

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