Sunday, 13 March 2022

Sunday 13th March

 A fairly dry, sunny day of strong southerly winds easing off towards the afternoon/evening.

Jeff Price reported 8 Whooper Swans at Loch Gruinart, the orange staining on their heads suggesting different birds to those seen yesterday. He also saw a Woodcock at dusk along the edge of the RSPB Woodland Trail.

Mark Holling had also been out, checking goose flocks but failing to find the rarities in their midst. Whilst searching he saw a pair of Carrion Crows at Wester Ellister is a noteworthy find, but I;m sure he would rather have found a Red-breasted Goose! Up at Gruinart he laso came across Whooper Swans - 13 in total, plus a couple of Greenshanks - one either side of the loch where he counted 560 Golden Plover. The 2CY Iceland Gull was at roost at the head of Loch Indaal along with 3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls.

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