Friday, 1 January 2021

Friday 1st January, New Year's Day

A few birds through from James today, yesterday he had seen  2 White tailed Eagle, a Golden Eagle and also a Little Egret all on/over the reserve at Gruinart. Today, James hed seen another White tailed Eagle over at Gruinart.

Meanwhile Margaret had seen a Golden Eagle soaring around when looking out towards Coull from here at home, great to watch...

Marsali kindly sent me through her figures for the rain that has fallen in her rain gauge over at Mulindry.

"The rainfall for December was 195mms or 7.8”  and the total for the year was 1711mms or 68.4” and it was the wettest since 2014 – so much for the weather being drier!"

The figure down on Dr Matt Jackson's weather station came to 4.2" for the montth and his tally for the year came too only 42". The figure for December up here came to 5.2" so must get my brain in gear and add up the total for the year...

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