Monday, 22 June 2015

Monday 22nd June

Aye, the days are getting shorter already by 2 seconds a day... David Main along with his wife headed home after their brief stay, from the ferry, just out from Port Ellen yesterday morning, they had a GND. On the crossing, to Kennacraig, they counted a total of 24 Manx Shearwaters. Yesterday Mandy and Fiona had an Osprey over on Ardnahoe Loch, and up closer to Bunnahabhain, they saw a Buzzard and a male Hen Harrier. Tom from Cumbria had seen a Golden Eagle over Bholsa and also 2 Curlews in the young bracken, back at Killinallan, a Sedge Warbler was present. Today Tom, had gone over to Jura, and walked up towards the raised beaches, they had a Red Grouse and also 2 Yellowhammers. Fiona had an Osprey flying to Loch Gorm this morning. Friends from Glasgow had a Yellowhammer at Ardnave, and also some juv Sand Martins today.

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