Sunday 30 June 2024

Thursday 27th, Friday 28th June, Saturday 29th June and Sunday 30th June

Given that I'm condensing four days into one blog, you can tell that there isn't much to report.  The weather has been very different day to day: wet and windy, more like winter on Thursday, then a mixed bag with drier, sunnier weather between rain showers on Friday and fairly pleasantly sunny and warm on Saturday and Sunday, though still with occasional cloud and the odd rain shower.

Bird news is typical of midsummer, with just a few reports of the resident breeding birds: Hen Harriers at Easter Ellister and Finlaggan, Common Sandpipers at Port Charlotte, broods of Whinchats at Mulreesh and Balulive, White-tailed Eagle at Bunnahabhain and a walk by Lucy A. to Rhuvaal producing 2 Whitethroats, Reed Bunting, Stonechat, Redpoll and Kestrel.

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