Tuesday 18 June 2024

Sunday 16th - Tuesday 18th June

Three days of variable, cool weather with spells of sunshine interspersed with light rain and cloud at times - though a lovely sunny late evening tonight.

I suppose it is that time of year when spring migration is over and autumn return hasn't yet begun. A bit of the doldrums, with nothing much happening on the bird front other than the regular breeding species going about their business, so not a lot to report.

On Sunday there was a note of a male Hen Harrier at Loch Gorm and a Blackcap at the RSPB hides, Gruinart. Yesterday a White-tailed Eagle was seen at Finlaggan being mobbed by a Hen Harrier. Today further Hen Harriers noted at Ballygrant and Laggan Bridge, a Peregrine watched perched up for 10 minutes on the Glen Road and a couple of White-tailed Eagles on the High Road near Laggan. On the beach near Blackrock a gathering of c.100 Bar-tailed Godwits was counted this afternoon.

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