Sunday, 27 December 2020

Sunday 27th December

Lesley sent me though the following earlier on this afternoon... 

"I was out this morning in cold wind, hail, snow & rain (sounds a bit like the 3 witches in the Scottish play) anyway not a lot, but had lovely views of male HH hunting over moorland with dark sky and snow on the hilltops behind."

Oddly enough, I think that I might have been outside at roughly the same time as Lesley, when I was out throwing  some scrog apples for the Pheasants and the Blackbirds to enjoy.... mind you the only piece of Lesley's weather that I had, was quite a few large hailstones clattered down when I was out in it.

This afternoon, we had a Golden Eagle being harassed by 2 cronking Ravens as it attempted to fly along the crag!!!

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