Sunday, 15 December 2019

Sunday 15th December

Well another day in, a  day closer to Christmas and what else has happened today, well, by chance we had a good meeting with Jesse Wilkinson and also Rowan Aitchison as well as Phill Catton from the RSPB Oa reserve. it was not a planned catch up but what tales came from the lads. Safe onward journeys to all 3 of you tomorrow. Jesse and Rowan have been over on Islay filming some tremendous footage of the birds here on Islay, a bit of a pity is that it will be not for around another 3 years before the program will be shown on our tv screens.

This evening , I have just seen Doddie Weir receive the BBC Helen Rawlinson tv award, a tremendous honour to a great person, well done to Doddie and his family...

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