Monday, 11 March 2019

Monday 11th March

Yesterday, Chris Mills along with the group of birders from Norfolk Birding had seen a Fulmar out along the front of the crag, so watch this space again for the weather to deteriorate..
Today, they had seen a male Merlin, just after the road leading to Rockside, a male Hen Harrier flew across the road, at the road leading to Finlaggan. Over at Bunnahabhain, the group had 2 White tailed Eagles fly over to Jura with a Golden Eagle displaying there as well ... Down from the pier at Bowmore, they had counted 45 Common Scoter, 9 Slav. Grebe, a Tystie and over 300 Common Gulls. Finally, at the mouth of Loch Indaal, they had 120 Barwits and at least 40 Knot.
Up here at home, we had 3 Pied Wagtails out on the grass.

The news from Fair Isle is not too good, as by the sound of the snippets of information coming through so far, is that the Observatory will be out of commission for this season ... Our thoughts are with the team there.

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