Here is one of that Goose again, to the untrained eye (that's me) it looks like 16F, but as we all now know it really was J6F. Malcolm e mailed Tony Fox who co-ordinates the Greenland Whitefront program. Tony was quick to reply. This goose was initially caught and rung in West Greenland in July 2008. It was seen overwintering in the Machrihanish area on the Mull of Kintyre last winter, and this is the first record of it this winter. It was interesting to read through the history of another goose, J3H, it too was rung in July 2008, again in West Greenland, and it overwintered on the Islay last winter. Back in November 2009, it was here again on Islay, down at Cladville at Portnahaven. All that information came through from Tony who is in China, the power of e mails...
Still on Geese, and Tracey emailed the figures for the Goose count carried out last week, there were 43,510 Barnies and 5,625 Whitefronts. Thanks again to Tracey and the team for the numbers.
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