We managed to get this image of a Greenland Whitefront with a neck collar this afternoon. When we first saw it, the goose was less than 20 metres away, but got spoofed and flew off before we could read it, and landed further away from us! When it first landed we took several images of it with its' neck erect and we read the collar as 16F, and it was not until we got home and had a further look at the images, to see in fact that it is J6F. To cut a long story short, I have spoken with Steve Percival who does the ringing of the Barnacle Geese here on Islay, and Steve will try to find out the history behind J6F.
John Armitage e mailed through today to say that the Gyr Falcon had been seen on the Oa yesterday. Catherine had the Little Egret on the floods on the reserve at Gruinart again this morning.
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