Saturday 28 October 2023

Saturday 28th October

Another grey, drizzly sort of day. Being a Saturday and a change-over day for accommodation, several of our contributing visiting birders departed and few of the new arrivals have started birding yet. Thus, there were were few sightings to report today.

A Barn Owl was sen last night by Seamus Breen near Bridgend as he left the island. Newly arrived birder Laura White-Edwards saw a Barn Owl this evening near Blackrock - possibly the same bird?

I took a look at Gruinart RSPB this afternoon - the whole place alive with many large flocks of agitated  Barnacle Geese making location of the Red-breasted Goose a non-starter. Most of the agitation was engendered by White-tailed Eagles passing by. Equally flighty were the Golden Plover, so no chance to try and relocate the American Golden Plover.

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