Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Tuesday 18th & Wednesday 19th March

 Another two days of dry, sunny weather with light winds and cool temperatures.

Just two notes from yesterday: Clive McK. watched a White-tailed Eagle that had an Adder in its talons, and David Killick watched a Dipper nest-building on the Sorn near the Woollen Mill along with a couple of Grey Wagtails.

Today there were three reports of summer migrants: Shona Isla had a Wheatear at Portnahaven and Dave Killick had another at Kilchiaran. Ed B. found Islay's first sand Martin of 2025 at Cornabus.

Other good news was of a Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming in the woods at Laphroaig, heard by Steve & Lyn Rogers.

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