Tuesday 16 April 2024

Tuesday 16th April

Cool, but sunny and dry for my return to Islay after a few days away in central France where it was hot, sunny and the air full of the song of Nightingales!

Many thanks to Malcolm O. for standing in as blogger in my absence, I'm sure we'll be hearing more from him in the future.

The only report today comes from Gary Turnbull who met a birder at Whinpark this morning who reported an Osprey at the mouth of the River Sorn a little earlier. I noted 15 Brent Geese near to Blackrock as I returned home this morning.

Other than that, Jim Wells, who had been over from N. Ireland recently, sent in details of some Barnacle Goose colour rings he had read. Steve Percival had replied in detail; the birds involved being a mix of individuals ringed in S. Iceland and here on Islay. The oldest were a couple of Islay-ringed birds from 2017 who had been noted back here in all subsequent winters, while one of the Iceland-ringed birds had been seen in Donegal as well as here in later years.

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