Friday, 30 September 2022

Friday 30th September

Very different weather today. Strong westerlies and heavy rain overnight and into the  morning, gradually eased off into a slightly sunnier, blustery afternoon, but deteriorated again into squalls by evening.

A visit to the N. Hide in late afternoon was fairly uneventful, though after the heavy rain there was a lot more standing water. This had attracted more birds in: Teal had increased to 138 and brought with them 7 Wigeon and 8 Mallard. There were 45 Lapwings and a lone Golden Plover actively feeding along with hundreds of Starlings that weren’t there yesterday. The 3 Black-tailed Godwits that were there yesterday were still there today. 14 Curlews was an increase over recent numbers. Other than that there were 2 Carrion Crows with the Hoodies and a lost Gannet flew right up to the end of the Loch and sensibly turned round and went back out towards the sea again.

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