Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Tuesday 7th January

It was certainly windy yesterday, but today the wind speed has increased somewhat with wind blowing strongly all day, or so it seemed. They claimed on the STV weather forecast that we had winds up to 60 mph on Islay, who am I to question them?? The ferry sailed over this morning and again this afternoon, but tied up has not returned this evening!!!

Marsali sent me her information on her weather station over at Mulindry... 

December's rainfall in 2019 was 231 mms or 9.24"   That was the wettest month since January 2018.
The total for the year is 1478mms or 59.12", the wettest since  2016 but not the wettest ever which was 2014 at over 70"

Thanks for those figures Marsali, much appreciated as ever.

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