Wednesday 5 June 2019

Wednesday 5th June

Gary spotted in the diary at Gruinart, that somebody had seen a Red backed Shrike over at Kilchiaran on Monday, needless to say they did not say who they were, so any further information regarding this sighting would be greatly appreciated, please e mail me..

Yesterday, Ken Reeves along with his family group had seen a female Golden Eagle on the Oa, and over at Claggain Bay they counted 22 R b Merganser, 5 RTD, a BTD and also a Dipper. 

Today,  David  Scott had heard 3 Corncrakes calling in and around Portnhaven. Along the road, he had a ringtail Hen Harrier fly across the road in front of them and then up on the pond at Easter Ellister, they saw 2 drake Velvet Scoter and also a single female Common Scoter was present aslong with them.

This afternoon, we saw a large hen Sparrowhawk ducking and diving through the whin bushes over below Leek.

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