Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Tuesday 12th February

Yesterday, the "Port Ellen 4" along with team leam leader John Matthews, had seen a large flock of Twite along with over 20 Skylarks close to Kinnabus on the Oa, but sadly no Golden Eagles or Hen Harriers were seen, but they had counted at least 7 Buzzards on their way out to the Oa and on the return leg. While travelling up along the High road and then the Glen road over the top to Ballygrant, they had seen another 7 Buzzards, a Kestrel, Partridge, and Raven, while at Knocklearach, a Merlin was sitting on a fence post, at the side of the road. Up at Bunahabhain, an Otter, GND, Tysties, and also some Shags were present.
Yeterday, Hilary and Richard had seen the Todd's Canada Goose over at Leorin. Over at Claggain Bay they had RTD, BTD, GND, Tysties, Grey Wagtail, and some Shags as well as a small pod of Porpoises. Birds seen while returning back from Claggain Bay to Port Ellen included Yellowhammers, Brambling, Treecreeper, Reed Bunting, Long tailed Tits with a Greater spotted Woodpecker heard druming away. Up at Bowmore on Loch Indaal, they had Barwits, Eider, Common Scoter, Common Gull, GND and also BTD
Up here today, we saw a Merlin fly past out of the wee kitchen window, fly on over the bird cage then wheel down and over the bird seed crop and on its' way. After lunchtime, coming out of Bowmore, just after Pennycraig, another wee Merlin flew off the fence at the side of the road. On the way home, down below the lime kiln, we spoke with the Rochdale Birders who are over for another visit, their first for 2019 , great to meet up you folks... Over at Kildalton, this morning they had 4 Yellowhammers and the close to the airport, a male Hen Harrier was present quartering its' patch.

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