Saturday, 27 May 2017

Saturday 27th May

Before I forget, there will be No meeting of the Bird nerds this coming Tuesday as the Whisky/ music festival is on... but all going well we will meet up on June 6th , more about the venue next week...

Not much to report today, here at home one of the hen Pheasants appeared out with 6 chicks which appeared to be a few days old rather than newly hatched chicks, so fingers crossed on that one. Margaret, this morning spotted a Shelduck down at "smelly corner" with 6 or 7  well grown ducklings, again larger than ducklings of a day or two in age...The heavy rain that was forecast, did not come to much today, so possibly it was just as well that I had the watering can out on some newly planted plants this morning. Quite often after having the watering can out, it rains, but not today, although the dreaded midge did show face... Both the 2 pairs of Redpolls and the 2 pairs of Siskins are still with us on the feeders.
The Rochdale birders are back over again and seeing around 50 Gannets, at eye level and really close to them, in the Sound of Islay as the ferry approached Port Askaig.

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