Monday, 7 December 2015

Monday 7th December

The rain eventually did stop yesterday, and in the end we had a mere 3 inches or thereabouts, certainly not as much by a long stretch of your imagination as other areas. I did my good deed by digging in 3 culverts to allow the water off the road this morning!!! Yesterday, visitors Keith and Hazel had seen a rather soaked and bedraggled Hen Harrier on the side of the road at Gruinart, as they slowed down the bird flew off carrying a rabbit! Here this morning, a ringtail Hen Harrier flew/ circled round the garden twice, no doubt we will see more of that one yet! Later on, a small group of over 20 Lapwings few past and this afternoon there were around 30 Curlews in a field as we came out of Port Charlotte.

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