Not the best, but for the distance it was taken from you will just have to believe me that this is the Gyr Falcon sitting along with 2 Hooded Crows. Earlier on, and further along the falcon was sitting by itself getting dive bombed by black backed Gulls, it took off, and it was followed by these 2 Hoodies. Initially they too mobbed it in flight, but when it landed, they landed alongside! Thanks to Peter Roberts for finding it again, and getting the word round Islay......
James today had to make do with the ever present Little Egret on the reserve at Gruinart, as well as a Merlin. Louise had also seen another Merlin on the North west of Islay as well as a Golden Eagle today. Later on last night, I heard that the Tree Sparrow had been seen down on the Oa yesterday. News from almost all 4 corners of Islay!
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