Wednesday 28 January 2009

Wed 28th Jan

A distant image of a young Golden Eagle taken today as we returned home at lunch time from Bowmore. It was a lot closer, but it took a few seconds for the penny to drop, get parked up and then get the camera out, by which time it was off!
Michal had done a Goose count on the reserve at Gruinart today, 3,646 Barnies, 145 Whitefronts and 6 Greylags. Michal commented that as the amount and quality of the grass is now poorer, the Geese are starting to graze over more of the fields on the reserve, rather than just the good quality, better fields as they do earlier on. MS
Malcolm had seen 2 separate Barn Owls on Monday evening while returning from the airport, one was in Glenegedale and the other was up at Torra on the high road. Today, he had seen 2 Brambling at Eorrabus, while down at Loch Skerrols, the Goldeneye tally was only 35, well down on the previous high, earlier on in the month. Have the other birds gone out onto Loch Indaal, one asks? MAO

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