Tuesday 10 September 2024

Tuesday 10th September

Blustery winds from the WNW bringing patches of sunshine between short, heavy showers of rain. 

Clive Mc. hinted yesterday that a seawatch at Frenchman's Rocks might be worthwhile this morning, given the wind direction. He duly went there this morning watching from 7.50am to 10.30am - a good long period to once again show that Islay is a very poor second-best to Tiree! Among the more interesting birds seen, he counted 74 Brent Geese, single Wigeon, Pintail, Arctic Skua, Bonxie, plus 27 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, and 5 Red-throated Divers. Numbers of commonly encountered seabirds noted were low - just 30 Kittiwakes, 52 Razorbill/Guillemots and 25 Manx Shearwaters. Jim Dickson later sent us the tally for a one hour seawatch from Tiree this morning that included over 28,000 Manxies and 3 Sooty Shearwaters.

Other than the above, Linden saw a Sparrowhawk on Gruinart Flats.

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