Saturday 7 September 2024

Thursday , Friday and Saturday 5th, 6th & 7th September

Summer is finally here, with three days of bright sunshine and temperatures in the 20s.

White Wagtails were mentioned for Thursday - David D. seeing 3 at Kinnabus and James H. with 17 at Gruinart where he also had Peregrine and a Carrion Crow.

Friday produced a Brent Goose between Port Charlotte and Bruichladdich, temporarily associating with Greylags in a field. 

Also in the news was a confusing duck posted by Jim Dickson from his recent visit, looking very much like a hybrid Mallard x Pacific Black Duck. Who knows where this one came from? There was a report last year from Dan Brown on 3rd November of Pacific Black Duck hybrids at Port Ellen, though today's correspondence from Dan suggests that the sighting was of a hybrid and a pure Pacific Black Duck. Either way, these are the only records of this presumed feral/escaped species.

Today Clive Mc. reported continuing high numbers of Sanderling in Loch Gruinart, while he and Gary T. noted good numbers of Dunlin (270) and Ringed Plover (30) around Smelly Corner on Loch Indaal along with 30 Knot, 185 Oystercatchers and 150 Bar-tailed Godwits. I counted 70 Ringed Plover on the beach at Machir Bay.

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