Sunday 15 September 2024

Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th September

Another two days of sunshine and heavy showers.

Yesterday's news: Ed B. confirmed that the Short-toed Lark was present at Cornabus (but no news today). Ed also found just fledged Snipe at Cornabus - a late brood indeed. There were 4 Little Egrets at Bun an Uillt, seen by Clive Mc., while Gary T. had 20 Brent Geese at Gartmain and Mary Redman saw a Chiffchaff at Port Wemyss.

Today there were two adult White-tailed Eagles noted by Gary T. up on their usual grassy island in the flats at the top of Loch Indaal. Clive Mc. had 19 Brent Geese flying up Loch Gruinart this morning, counted 234 Gannets at Frenchman's Rocks in the early afternoon, 9 Choughs at Lossit Bay then 8 Common Scoter in Loch Indaal off Bruichladdich a little later, finishing with 43 Golden Plover at Ballinaby. He also commented on several flocks of up to 100 Goldfinches and Linnets in various locations today.

In the last couple of days there have been up to 6 Pied and White Wagtails feeding on my lawn - freshly cut and providing lots of hapless crane flies as food.

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