Tuesday 17 September 2024

Monday 16th & Tuesday 17th September

A distinct improvement in the weather with light winds and high pressure producing a bit of an "Indian Summer" - particularly sunny and warm today.

Bird news yesterday included a Whimbrel, 4 White Wagtails and 16 Choughs at Kintra c/o David D. Gary T. saw his usual White-tailed Eagle at Finlaggan and 3 different groups of Buzzards: 3 over Achnaclach woodland, 6 over loch Finlaggan and 7 high up above Sgeir Bheinn. Linden had a Peregrine over Loch Gruinart and on the far side, Mary-Ann Featherstone counted a flock of 30 Long-tailed Tits at Kildalton.

Today, Ed Burrell was delighted to find a Moorhen on Loch Cornabus, while Gary T. had 2 White-tailed Eagles at Bridgend on Loch Indaal and 42 Brent Geese at Gartmain. Linden counted 4 Little Egrets on Loch Gruinart where Clive Mc. saw 23 Black-tailed Godwits, and Osprey and 2 Barnacle Geese. The latter prompted discussion on whether they were local/summering birds or fresh in from Iceland?

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