Wednesday 7 August 2024

Tuesday & Wednesday 6th & 7th August

Mostly sunny and pleasant yesterday, but slightly windier and raining today at times.

A late not for Monday came in, with Alistair seeing a Storm Petrel from the ferry over to Islay.

Yesterday James and Gary T. were finding Ospreys (two at one time) in the Loch Gorm area. There were also 2 Greenshank, a couple of Hen Harriers and a sub-adult White-tailed Eagle spoofing the Greylags.

Otherwise, there were some interesting non-avian sightings, with Mary-Ann Featherstone finding a Yellowtail Moth - apparently a new species for Islay.

Martin A. had some lovely views of Bottlenose Dolphins in Kilnaughton Bay - a pod of 10 or more that could be the same ones that were close in at Port Charlotte a couple of days ago.

The only notes so far today are from Martin Douglas on Jura who watched a White-tailed Eagle over Small Isles Bay and from Mary Redman who saw a Swift over Port Charlotte this afternoon.

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