Friday 16 August 2024

Friday 16th August

 Another day of sunshine and showers.

Linden started the day's reports off with a Sparrowhawk at Gruinart (I saw one race through my garden in Bruichladdich later in the day). Alistair Hart tried another sea-watch at Frenchman's Rocks this morning finding a Great Skua and an unidentified storm-petrel amongst the usual suspects.

Later in the day Linden was further afield and had a Golden Eagle at Gruinart followed by Twite at Smaull and 4-5 Hen Harriers in total in the Loch Gorm/Gruinart area and a White-tailed Eagle at Machir Bay.

To round the day off Alistair reports a Long-eared Owl between Portnahaven and Claddach.

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