Friday 9 August 2024

Friday 9th August

The day started out wet and breezy, but gradually got sunnier, but still with a breeze from the SW.

After yesterday's message from Alistair Hart on the birding WhatsApp about going to Frenchman's Rocks to sea-watch this morning, I was inspired to join him. The rain conveniently did what it was supposed to do and stopped more or less as we set up. But as so often is the case sea-watching here, the reality didn't live up to the expectations. A light stream of Manx Shearwaters, Kittiwakes, Gannets and Fulmars went by accompanied by occasional Guillemots, a few Ringed Plover and Dunlin and a Sparrowhawk nipping past - but that was it apart from a single distant Puffin.

Elsewhere, Gary T. enjoyed "wee flocks" of Linnets feeding on the flowers near Finlaggan Visitor Centre and a Merlin at Mulreesh. Another Merlin was seen by Alistair at Easter Ellister.

Bird of the day goes to Ed Burrell who had a male Marsh Harrier at Loch nan Gabhar, near the Machrie.

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