Sunday 18 August 2024

Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th August

Two more days of intermittent sunshine and showers.

George Jackson had 3 Greenshank flying South, calling, between Bruichladdich and Port Charlotte, on Friday evening and also notes a build-up of finches, mainly Goldfinches, with a flock of 30+ - around Coultorsay where a second brood of Swallows seem close to fledging.

Yesterday's news was of a White-tailed Eagle and a Kestrel above Loch Cam seen by Gary T. The loch also held a Red-throated Diver. Down at Claddach, Mary Redman noted 4 Golden Plover, while David D. had a Merlin near Cornabus.

Clive McKay was back and had an Osprey making unsuccessful dives into Loch Gruinart. He also made a count of 50 Black-tailed Godwits flying south over Uiskentuie.

The sole report today (Sunday) is from Linden who saw a White-tailed Eagle this evening flying up Loch Gruinart. 

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