Monday, 7 January 2013

Monday 7th January

Same old tune, more rain. But it did dry up mid afternoon, so I ventured up to the top of the drive to bring the empty wheelie bin back home. Another first for the year, a Peregrine out on the wing, infact the first I have seen here for the best part of a month. The other day, there was a Raven flying over the crag carrying twigs in its' beak, surely not thinking of nesting building already, but then again they are early nesters, in February for sure. Yesterday down the road towards Loch Gorm, a Kestrel was hunkered up the top of one of the telegragh poles at the roadside. Today on the bird feeders was  a Blue Tit with a ring on, another of Euan's birds? It can be hard to spot that they have rings on when they are so mobile, especially the finches etc on the ground with their legs in the grass and not easily seen at the best of times.

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