Wednesday 3 July 2024

Wednesday 3rd July

A mostly wet, grey, drizzly and quite breezy day again with occasional bursts of dry and sunshine.

Linden sent in a report of an email received at RSPB Gruinart this morning from an unknown observer of a possible Great Grey Shrike up at Ardnave. Exactly where and when it was seen, whether it was indeed a shrike and whether it was seen today is unclear - but you never know...........

Meanwhile, some more solid birding news from Mary Redman who again saw the Chough family at the half dozen Ravens down at Currie Sands along with a female Hen Harrier at Portnahaven, Sparrowhawk at Easter Ellister where the old faithful drake Velvet Scoter has been noted for yet another year on the roadside loch.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Tuesday 2nd July

Another drizzly, grey day with a moderate breeze and just occasional sunny bits.

Quiet on the bird front today, with a report from Val Peacock of a couple of fine, breeding plumaged Red-throated Divers off Port Charlotte this morning and a tally of 6 Ravens from Mary Redman down at Currie sands along with a noisy family group of 5 Chough.

Monday 1 July 2024

Monday 1st July

 Grey and drizzly today,

Yesterday Mary Redman found a male Kestrel that had seemingly been predated by a Buzzard that had left a few of its own feathers behind (not shown in the photo) in the attack  - sad, in that Kestrels are not that common on Islay.

Today Mary saw a male Hen Harrier down at Claddach and David D. found the first of autumn's Greenshanks at Loch Kinnabus.