Thursday 24 October 2024

Thursday 24th October

A breezier day today with winds from the south, but moderately mild and dry.

The day's bird news revolved around a lengthy discussion on the identity of a goose: was it a Greenland White-fronted or a European White-fronted or a hybrid between White-fronted and Pink -footed? The general consensus by the end of the day suggests a slightly oddly-plumaged European White-fronted Goose.

Equally esoteric was a post by Clive Mc. of a species of  Crane Fly new to Islay - Tipula staegeri (The arrow points to the diagnostic ID feature!).

Other than that Ed Burrell reports an increase to 40 Wigeon at Cornabus and David Dinsley found a Jack Snipe at Kinnabus tonight. Clive had a Common Scoter on Loch Gruinart - a species not often seen there - while Gary T. noted Peregrine chasing waders at Bridgend. The Naturetrek group departed today with Neil Mc. finding an Arctic Skua on the ferry journey back towards the mainland.

Neil kindly sent in a few pictures from his week on Islay:

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