Tuesday 23 July 2024

Tuesday 23rd July

A pleasant, warm, sunny and fairly calm summer's day.

A late report in for yesterday from Clive Mc. who had seen 4 Little and 3 Arctic Terns at Loch Gruinart in the evening along with 45 Dunlin, 15 Knot and a Whimbrel.

Today Clive had caught the morning high tide at Gruinart below Creag Mhor and counted 121 Curlew, 325 Bar-tailed Godwit, presumed to be summering non-breeders and including 5 in good summer plumage. At 12.30 he found 17 Black-tailed Godwits and c.330 Greylags at Gruinart near Gareallabus.

Elsewhere, Jamie Johnson reported c.25 Black Guillemots up at Bunnahabhain, 23 Choughs and a ring-tail type Hen Harrier at Ardnave and a Short-eared Owl at Finlaggan. Linden was up overlooking Nave island where he saw a pair of Great skua in the same spot he'd noted them last Saturday - perhaps a breeding pair?

Over on Jura Gary T. had singing Yellowhammer along the road south of the ferry.

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