Sunday 28 July 2024

Friday 26th, Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th July

A late entry for Thursday from Clive Mc. was a group of 12 Little Terns in the late evening at Loch Gruinart.

Three fairly pleasant, proper summer's days with sunshine and decent temperatures. A few folks have been out enjoying birding in this lovely weather, but being late July, there wasn't anything startling noted. Amidst the records of commoner species coming in were:

Friday - Jamie Johnson found 5 Red-throated Divers at Claggain Bay, while Gary T. noted 2 Little Egrets up at the top of Loch Indaal and a couple of White-tailed Eagles at Bridgend Merse.

Saturday - Jamie had a Golden Eagle on The Oa plus 9 Choughs at the American Monument. Ringed Plover with chicks between Bridgend and Blackrock. Clive Mc. watched 3 Peregrines (2 juvs and an adult) over Creag Mhor at Gruinart, plus an interesting encounter when a female Hen Harrier tried chasing a Hare at Gruinart, which turned around "boxed" at it and chased it off to be mobbed by a Kestrel.

Sunday - Clive Mc. was over at the Big Strand and counted 35 Sanderling, while I wandered to Ardnave and counted 110 Shags on the offshore skerries near to Nave Island. Pick of the bunch to day goes to Jamie: Osprey, Marsh Harrier and White-tailed Eagle all around Loch Gorm.

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